“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.”
- Peter Drucker
The Business Challenge
According to the Global Agenda Council survey in 2014, a startling 86% of respondents agree that we have a leadership crisis in the world today.
Effective leadership is the most important factor in creating and maintaining a high performing organisation. In today’s complex and changing world, which often extends over cross-functional and now even more cross-cultural organisations, the need for agile performance leadership is greater than ever before.
With a growth in project based organisational structures as well as organisational change generally, there is a need to consider the specific leadership requirements for effectively leading projects and change
The way leaders respond to problems and opportunities, has a direct and measurable impact on both the people and the project along with any associated change. The benefits of good leadership in projects and in managing change include:
- Building and sustaining high-performing project teams
- Increased productivity through effectively managing conflict and fostering productive team communications
- Increased team performance by managing internal and external influences
- Increase in the speed of adoption of changes by motivating your people
Our approach
We recognise that project and change leadership requires additional skills and knowledge, beyound standard business leadership; we coach, support and develop leaders and their teams to effectively plan, prepare and lead their organisations in the project and change environment.
Project leaders bring together people with different skills, experience and motivations for a relatively short period of time to plan and deliver a project. These individuals are generally not a team, they are not emotionally attached to a particular organisation or leader. They are ‘transactional’ by nature. The Project Manager has to form a team (to get them to ‘perform’), motivate them, manage them and then ‘demobilise’. Effective project leadership will increase the speed of developing individuals into a high performance team, maximise the engagement of the team to the project tasks (productivity) and have team members feel valued as they ‘demobilise’ and move to the next project.
Project leadership is an ability to get things done well through others.
- Harold R. Kerzner, Frank P. Saladis
Change leadership, unlike leading through 'normal' course of business, has its own demands and requires a different mindset and an extra set of capabilities in order to lead your organisation or projects to a new place. There’s leading through normal times, and then there’s leading your organisation through a change. You might be tempted to say that there’s no difference between the two, but that would be naïve. Change leadership has its own demands and requires a different mindset and an extra set of capabilities in order to lead your organisation to a new place.
Change Leadership is more like the engine of the whole change process, enabling it go quicker, smarter and efficiently.
Few organisations have attempted to visibly outline what they mean by leadership. COGiTATE’s approach recognises that in order to provide ‘above the line’ and consistent leadership across the organisation, it is essential that all leaders be grounded in a shared understanding of the leadership role, whether it is within a project or managing the change. This knowledge forms the foundation upon which to build an excellent leadership team. Its absence means that people perform from individual paradigms (which are typically customary, self-protective, and reactive) and which may or may not be consistent with the organisation you want to create.
Our services in Leadership Development include:
Leadership Skills Development
High Performance Team Development
Leadership Coaching
Organisational Capability Development
Who We Have Worked For |
Our consultants have provided Project and Change leadership services for the following organisations: